Sunday, 12 May 2019

project 2 submission

Thoery:Deformation provides functionality

moving elements
the glass above roof could extend to balcony while it is rain

the structure like wave could flexed for better sunlight or take shelter from rain

18 sketches:


36 textures

lumion environment:
the su file is too large to upload to 3dwarehouse so i put it into google drive:
lumion animation link:

Sunday, 24 March 2019

EXP1 Hero and Detail Shot

the hero shot shows the way each of the two studios are connected to each other. The stairs leading to the ground form an arc in the entire layout, showing the soft side of the design. Through this shot, you can see that the underground studio uses a combination of square objects, which is very interesting. The overall transparent glass structure connects the entire building together and is lighter.

Week4 developing Sketchup model image

3Dwarehouse model:

section animation